How deeply do we believe God will come through for us—help us? Do we really believe it’s worth it to wait on Him—from the simplest auto repair to the deepest desire of our hearts—especially when His work and His ways feel so invisible?
King David faced this question at his time of greatest need. His enemies flat out told him that no one was going to help him, especially not God. “Many are they who say of me,” he wrote, “’There is no help for him in God.’” (Psalm 3:2)
Those words are still spoken today, often deep in the vulnerable places of a long-time single woman’s heart: If I wait for God, I’ll be waiting my whole life.
Stop and think for a minute when you hear those words. Stop and consider who He is. Help, it turns out, is part of His very name.
To Samuel He was Ebenezer, “Stone of Help,” when God answered his cry for help when the Philistines attacked.
To Isaiah He was the one who promised His people salvation: “Say to those who are fearful-hearted, ‘Be strong, do not fear! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, With the recompense of God; He will come and save you.’” (Isaiah 35:4)
To David He was simply “my help,” over and over. “From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2)
To you and to me, He is Jesus, or Yeshua, in the Hebrew: He will save. Jesus already came for you. On the cross, He saved your soul. Today, He still comes. He helps those who call on Him, no matter the need.
Here’s what I love best. That word for help in Psalm 3:2—the help that David’s enemies said wouldn’t come from God—is a different form of the word for Yeshua.
When Satan, society or your own soul whispers There is no help for you in God, it’s like saying there’s no help for you in Help.
Jesus has already proven Himself to be the greatest Help we can ever find. Through His torn body, through His blood that flowed unto death, through His victorious rising from the grave, He’s promised to do what it takes to meet your needs, and mine.
Where else could we turn, and find it better?
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