Posted by Joanne in Singleness Posts
on Mar 27th, 2012 | 0 comments
The first thing I noticed about him was that he was reading. Then I noticed he was reading a Christian book—and had a journal on his table. Earlier that day I’d had a conversation with a friend about some book that teaches women how to get dates and “put themselves out there.” I knew without reading the book that I would never measure up, becoming a flirty, spunky, “Hi-what’s-your-name?” kind of girl around men I don’t know. That conversation was ringing in my mind as I glanced at this guy across the pages of my own book. I couldn’t get up the nerve to strike up a conversation, even to...
Posted by Joanne in Singleness Posts
on Mar 19th, 2012 | 0 comments
Quite some time ago, I entered a bookstore café to do some writing and snagged the only empty seat left, one of two armchairs with a small side table between them. The other armchair was occupied by a man who, I noticed, was not wearing a wedding band. As I settled in, my internal monologue went something like this: There’s no way that guy would happen to be a Christian, but even if he were, what are the odds that he would speak to me? But I was wrong. Soon the guy started talking to me, and he did happen to be a Christian, which was obvious based on the content of our...
Posted by Joanne in Singleness Posts
on Mar 12th, 2012 | 0 comments
I’m sitting at Starbucks, and a tall man at the next table has caught my eye. His hair is graying, he’s wearing fashionable jeans and glasses, and he’s scratching away—no doubt with some form of mysterious male handwriting—in a small black journal. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve witnessed men writing in journals as I’ve sat at various coffee shops around town. For some reason, it always surprises me. And makes me happy. Obviously, I find something attractive about it. Whether I end up with a journal-writer or not, seeing these men makes me think that perhaps there is a kindred...
Posted by Joanne in Singleness Posts
on Mar 5th, 2012 | 0 comments
I almost don’t want to say this out loud, but here goes: When I moved to Nashville as a much younger woman, I was convinced my destiny was to marry a Christian rock star. With that kind of mindset, I wouldn’t have been very open to non-musicians who came across my path, would I? Well, I wasn’t. But, of course, a lot has changed over the years, including me (thank God). The things that would prevent me from considering a man now have nothing to do with his occupation or musical talent. Even so, as an older woman, I’ve traveled a new journey of openness over the last several years....
Posted by Joanne in Singleness Posts
on Feb 27th, 2012 | 0 comments
Last week’s prayer points focused on praying for God’s personal strategies for pursuing marriage. And I’ve been thinking. What would happen if other believers started praying and partnering with us in this? I mentioned a woman who started soliciting prayer partners as God put them on her heart. She was amazed by the encouraging words these women had for her as they prayed. She also said it opened the door for her to tell them she was open to being introduced to someone. Because it sometimes feels like a taboo subject, desire for marriage isn’t something that Christian single women...