A Last Testimony

February 16, 2020 marks a decade without Mom. For her this past decade should have been a golden one, enjoying her grandsons as they grew and became teenagers, buying dolls and paint sets for her granddaughter, celebrating with two of her daughters as they got married (one of them me), spending more time traveling with my dad, helping her own elderly mother…and thinking about how she wanted to celebrate her 70th birthday next year.

Mom with her mom and granddaughter 10 years ago

How much Mom has missed these last 10 years. How much I have missed her and longed for her! But from her perspective in the presence of Jesus, she surely has experienced the most golden and beautiful decade of her existence.

In the days after Mom’s death, we found a hand-written letter in her desk that read like her last  testament, what she wanted people to know if she were to die. None of us knew the letter existed. What a gift to find it when we did.

Based on the stationery and some of the content, my guess is that she wrote the letter in the mid-1980s, when my sisters and I were tweens and young teens. It wasn’t addressed to anyone, but she stated that it could be read at her memorial service if desired. Unfortunately, we didn’t find the letter until after her funeral. But today, ten years after her death, I would like to share  some of her most important words.

Please don’t feel sorry for me or for yourself when I physically die. Though I may be without breath and physical life, my soul lives on with my Savior, my creator and the lover of my soul. Death is merely an extension of life. For the Christian, as I am, death is experiencing a … greater life, which I pray one day you will share with me. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one cometh unto the Father but by me.” John 14:6. This is the only way to go to heaven…

What a wonderful thought that God doesn’t expect me to be perfect, only to trust in Him and lean on Him. Even when I fail repeatedly He is there to pick me up. What a joy!

I cry as I write this for I don’t want to leave those that I love dearly and with all my heart but the Lord put something within me today, things that I must share and try to be of comfort. I know I must be prepared when he calls me home. Are you?

Forever in His Glory


2 Responses to “ “A Last Testimony”

  1. Suzanne Carper says:

    I’m so thankful she was my mom too!!

  2. Jennifer says:

    What a beautiful woman. I know she had beautiful daughters
    Much love Jo…

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